CV. SUMBERBUMI PERTIWI Profil, Telepon, Alamat


Jl. Balaipustaka Baru, Rawamangun, DKI Jakarta - 14000, Indonesia

Profil Perusahaan

Oils lubricating and grease trading. Minyak Pelumas and gemuk pelumas. Industial oil - Pelumas Industri engine oil - pelumas mesin diesel hydroulic oil -- pelumas / oli hidrolik gear oil ---- pelumas / oli gear Transformer oil -- pelumas / oli trafo synthetic oil ---- pelumas / oli syntetik. aviation oil ---- pelumas / oli pesawat. EXXONMOBIL PRODUCT. MOBIL OIL SYNTHETIC | MOBIL OIL Mobil SHC 500 Series Mobil SHC 600 Series Mobil SHC 800 Series Mobilgear SHC XMP Series Mobilgear SHC Series Mobil Glygoyle Series Mobil SHC PM Series Mobil Rarus 800 Series Mobil Rarus SHC 1020 Series Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC Series Mobil EAL Arctic Series Mobil Pyrolube 830 Dan Oli atau pelumas lainnya.
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