TOTAL FREON SOLUTION Agen Distributor KLEA R134a Profil, Telepon, Alamat


JL CIOMAS PERMAI BLOK B 1 NO 11, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Profil Perusahaan

TOTAL FREON SOLUTION AGENCY AGEN DISTRIBUTOR , MENJUALFREON KLEA R134A DLL ORIGINAL MURNI.MURAH TERPERCAYA KAMI SUDAH MELAYANI KEBUTUHAN FREON RATUSAN CUSTOMER DARI BERBAGAI DAERAH KLEA sudah tak asing lagi bagi para bengkel AC krn kemurnian nya yg berisi freon r134a... TOTAL FREON SOLUTION AGENCY distributor dan pengecer klea r134a memberi harga terbaik dan jaminan kemurnian dan keaslian klea r134a dari kami Made in JAPAN -per Tabung berat isi 13, 6 kg -Per Kaleng 390 gram, per 1 dus isi 30 kaleng Pesanan diantar ke sluruh Jabotabek dan dikirim utk luar Jabotabek, luar provinsi bahkan luar pulau.( luar pulau, luar provinsi kami kirim via expedisi yang ditunjuk/ langganan customer) Pembayaran cash on delivery specification: KLEA 134A Chemical Name: Tetrafluoroethane ANALYTE SPECIFICATION ANALYTICAL RESULT APPEARANCE CLEAR& COLOURLESS CLEAR& COLOURLESS PURITY( 1NCL.HFCl34A+ 134) 999min. 99.99 CHLORINATED COMPOUNDS 200 ppm max 14 ppm EVAPORATIONRESIDUE 100 ppm max Concern for the global ozone layer and the resulting regulations in the throughout the world have led to an industry investigation into potential alternatives to CFCs, including CFC-12 and R-500. Using the criteria of environmental and personal safety, and cooling performance, the refrigerant producers and equipment manufacturers have embarked on a multi-million dollar search for replacements for CFC-12 and R-500. KLEA® 134a refrigerant has been identified by Mexichem Fluor as an excellent replacement for CFC-12 and R-500, across a wide range of products. Mexichem Fluor has lead the world in the production and introduction of HFC-134a as an alternative refrigerant and continues that role today as the world' s largest producer of this refrigerant. KLEA® 134a is a zero ODP, single component refrigerant. KLEA® 134a is non-flammable* , having been assigned an A1 rating by ASHRAE, and recognized as " Practically Non-Flammable" by Underwriters Laboratories. KLEA® 134a has extremely low toxicity, having been extensively investigated by a multi- million dollar toxicological program under the direction of PAFT ( the Program for Alternative Fluorocarbon Toxicity Testing) . The recommended occupational exposure limit ( OEL) of 1000 ppm ( 8-hour time weighted average) is the highest level given to any chemical, and is the same as CFC-12 and R-500. KLEA® 134a can be used in new and existing stationary equipment designs, requiring minimal modification, and achieving levels of performance, capacity, and efficiency which are sufficiently close to CFC-12 and R-500. KLEA® 134a has been proven reliable in automotive applications. Thousands of hours of compressor reliability testing, and millions of miles of fleet testing by Mexichem and original equipment manufacturers ( OEMS) , have proven this refrigerant to be reliable for original equipment, as well as retrofit applications. For these reasons, KLEA® 134a has become the most universally accepted replacement for CFC-12 and R-500. Its proven performance and durability, coupled with Mexichem' s world-scale production facilities on three continents, including our largest plant in St. Gabriel, Louisiana, have made KLEA® 134a the global choice for OEM and retrofit applications. * R-134a shows no flame limits in air at ambient pressures, when tested according to ASTM E-681, as interpreted by ASHRAE Standard 34-1997 and Underwriters Laboratories MENCARI REKANAN DIDAERAH SELURUH INDONESIA...YANG INGIN HARGA TERBAIK! Untuk KEMURNIAN 100 % KleA R134a Hub-Steve -08998807333 -085311543333 PIN BB _ 290E13B8 Diantar SEJABOTABEK Dikirim via expedisi luar kota dan luar pulau totalfreon solution@ Home Office Jl.Ciomas Permai Blok B1 no 11 Bogor, Jawa Barat NB: Kemurnian Bisa tes langsung ditempat tiap tabung yang anda beli..Kami Tunggu dan Jamin Kemurnian Tiap Tabung!
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