Peralatan Masak
16 / Mei / 2024
Rp. 2.000.000
Min Order: 1 Set
Pantry Stainless
Workstation Kitchen Stainless
Sink Stainless
Kompor Tekanan Tinggi dengan Tungku Custom
Steam Stainless
Cabinet Stainless
Tray Stainless
Oven Custom Stainless
CV. Colossal Art Indonesia
14 Tahun
Kabupaten Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Mesh( Pengayak obat) bisa Satu Set( Ayaka+ Tutup+ Alas) atau bisa ayakannnya saja ukuran Mesh; 44 mikron 60 mikron 100mikron 120 mikron 140 mikron
PT. Pratama Sains Global
11 Tahun
Kabupaten Bandung Barat - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Peralatan Masak
03 / Mei / 2024
Min Order: 1 Unit
Kompor Batubara. Tersedia dalam berbagai macam ukuran. Tanpa asap. Dijamin tidak akan meledak. Hemat sampai 70% daripada menggunakan gas. Mudah dinyalakan dan dimatikan.Spesifikasi :- Kompor Briket Batu Bara Kap 1,5 kg : P : 24 cm x L : 24 cm x T : 24,5 cm- Kap 3 Kg ...
Sumber Logam
19 Tahun
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line Duo AC12 + H12 is an insulated box with one cold cabinet and one hot cabinet positioned side-by-side. This allows for efficient distribution of hot and cold food. The hot cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C while the other provides active cooling down to +3°C. I...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Wajan aluminium Panda no 11 Olympia. wajan dengan ukuran diameter 27 cm x tinggi 8 cm . wajan kuali untuk masak di dapur, ukuran kecil digunakan untuk acara selamatan. para undangan diberikan hadiah wajan agar para undangan dapat memanfaatkan di dapur mereka. wajan ini juga digunakan untuk bonus had...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Peralatan Masak
19 / Des / 2019
Min Order: 60 Buah
Wajan kuali Alumunium Panda no 30 merk Olympia. wajan besar untuk masak lauk, masak ikan, daging dalam jumlah besar. diameter wajan 75 cm x tinggi 20 cm. perusahaan katering membutuhkan wajan besar untuk kebutuhan produksi makanan. wajan besar ini juga masih digunakan di berbagai penjuru Indonesia. ...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Peralatan Masak
16 / Des / 2019
Min Order: 100 Buah
Wajan alumunium cor no 10 merk Panda Olympia. wajan alumunium paling kecil untuk memasak dengan kapasitas kecil, masak mie, telur, dan lain sebagainya. diameter 25 cm x tinggi 5 cm. 1 ikat isi 25 buah. selain untuk keperluan masak dapur, wajan ini sering dipakai untuk acara selamatan. hadiah untuk m...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Peralatan Masak
15 / Des / 2019
Min Order: 60 Buah
Tong plastik segi 9 galon dengan kran merk multiplast, tong kran atau pail untuk tempat air. beberapa rumah makan menggunakan pail plastik ini untuk pengganti air wastafel, para pengunjung dapat mencuci tangan pada pail ini. di tempat lain, pail ini diisi air minum atau teh. tong air ini banyak digu...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Peralatan Masak
14 / Des / 2019
Min Order: 120 Buah
Panci alumunium TL Jawa produk pabrik Maspion. panci alumunium dipakai untuk merebus air, memasak sup, merebus mie instan dan makanan lainnya. panci merupakan salah satu peralatan masak dan alat dapur yang penting. panci alumunium Jawa banyak digunakan oleh hampir semua rumah tangga pada semua segme...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Peralatan Masak
13 / Des / 2019
Min Order: 100 Lembar
Jampel kain pelindung tangan dari panas wajanPeralatan Masak
jampel kain adalah alat bantu dalam dapur, saat memasak makanan ada wajan penggorengan yang pegangannya tidak ada pelindung panasnya. maka orang menggunakan kain untuk menahan panas wajan. jampel umumnya pasti ada di tiap dapur ru...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
wajan alumunium cor no 16 merk panda olympia. wajan alumunium cor untuk memasak, bahan alumunium ringan, ukuran diameter 30 cm x tinggi 10 cm. masih banyak orang Indonesia menggunakan wajan alumunium karena harganya lebih murah dari teflon. wajan ada mulai no 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, ...
Selatan Jaya Plastik Surabaya
12 Tahun
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Duo AC14 + H14 ScanBox is an insulated box with one cold cabinet and one hot cabinet positioned side-by-side. This allows for efficient distribution of hot and cold food. The hot cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C while the other provides active cooling down to +3°C. I...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Thermostatic Steam Traps BK
with Duo Stainless Steel ( Bimetallic) Regulator PN 40 - PN 630
Features of the BK series:
> Robust regulator
> unaffected by waterhammer and frost
> Suitable for superheated steam applications
> Stainless steel internals
> Installation in any position
CV. TIO Technology
15 Tahun
Kabupaten Bogor - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line Duo A14 + A14 is an insulated box with the cabinets positioned side-by-side and are used for distribution of ambient, hot and cold food. The trolley can be placed inside a cold room or be chilled down with eutectic plates inside either of the cabinets. The doors are opened at an ...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line AC8 ScanBox is an insulated box with active cooling for food distribution and holding of cold food. The cabinet is chilled down to +3°C. This is performed via a digital display. A LED light indicates when the selected temperature has been reached. The door is opened at an 270° an...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line AC12 is an insulated box with active cooling for food distribution and holding of cold food. The cabinet is chilled down to +3°C. This is performed via a digital display. A LED light indicates when the selected temperature has been reached. The door is opened at an 270° angl...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Scanbox Ergo Line Combo AC6 + H6 is a box with stacked cabinets for cold and hot holding. This allows you to distribute food at the perfect temperature with modest space requirements. The hot holding cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C. The cabinet for active cooling can be preset do...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Combo SCANBOX AC4 + H8 is a box with stacked cabinets for cold and hot holding. This allows you to distribute food at the perfect temperature with modest space requirements. The hot holding cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C. The cabinet for active cooling can be preset do...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Combo A6 + A6 scanbox is an insulated box with the cabinets stacked on top of each other and used for distribution of ambient, hot and cold food. The trolley can be placed inside a cold room or be chilled down with eutectic plates inside either of the cabinets. The doors are opened at an...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line Duo A8 + A8 is an insulated box with the cabinets positioned side-by-side and are used for scanbox distribution of ambient, hot and cold food. The trolley can be placed inside a cold room or be chilled down with eutectic plates inside either of the cabinets. The doors are opened ...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Combo AC4 + H6 ScanBox is a box with stacked cabinets for cold and hot holding. This allows you to distribute food at the perfect temperature with modest space requirements. The hot holding cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C. The cabinet for active cooling can be preset do...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line Duo AC14 + AC14 is an insulated cold box with scanbox two cabinets positioned side-by-side and are used for distribution of cold food. Both cabinets can be set down to +3°C. Two separate controllers allow different settings of temperatures in each of the cabinets. Infinitely ...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line A12 is an insulated box for distribution of food. Ergo Line Ambient ScanBox can be placed inside the cooling room or be chilled down with eutectic plates inside the cabinet. The door is opened at an 270° angle and is fixed in an open position by a magnet. The ergonomic tow ha...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line Duo A14 + H14 is an insulated box with one ambient cabinet and one hot cabinet positioned side-by-side. This allows for efficient distribution of hot and cold food. The hot cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C. Infinitely variable temperature setting is performed via...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line A14 ScanBox is an insulated box for distribution of food. The holding cart can be placed inside the cooling room or be chilled down with eutectic plates inside the cabinet. The door is opened at an 270° angle and is fixed in an open position by a magnet. The ergonomic tow handles on ...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line SCANBOX Combo AC4 + H4 is a box with stacked cabinets for cold and hot holding. This allows you to distribute food at the perfect temperature with modest space requirements. The hot holding cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C. The cabinet for active cooling can be preset do...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Duo AC12 + AC12 is an insulated ScanBox cold box with two cabinets positioned side-by-side and are used for distribution of cold food. Both cabinets can be set down to +3°C. Two separate controllers allow different settings of temperatures in each of the cabinets. Infinite...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Duo SCANBOX AC8 + H8 is an insulated box with one cold cabinet and one hot cabinet positioned side-by-side. This allows for efficient distribution of hot and cold food. The hot cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C while the other provides active cooling down to +3°C...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
Ergo Line Duo ScanBox A12 + H12 is an insulated box with one ambient cabinet and one hot cabinet positioned side-by-side. This allows for efficient distribution of hot and cold food. The hot cabinet is heated statically up to +90°C. Infinitely variable temperature setting is performed via...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
ScanBox Ergo Line Duo A8 + H8 is an insulated box with one ambient cabinet and one hot cabinet positioned side-by-side. This allows for efficient distribution of hot and cold food. The hot cabinet SCANBOX is heated statically up to +90°C. Infinitely variable temperature setting is pe...
CV. Mitra Pancar Abadi
17 Tahun
Kota Depok - Jawa Barat - Indonesia
+ Keranjang
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